середа, 6 липня 2011 р.

My hobbies and things i like to do

 I like painting. It helps me in different ways. For example, when I'm thinking about picture I want to draw I imagine what will it be. Sometimes - in minutes like this - I understand that except pretty picture I got I also have a poem - short or long - it doesn't matter.
The most important that I got it. And now one of poems born this way:

Before thi life will be burned down
I want to see the peoples proud.
Inferno's torture, evil fortune,
we play the games with ourselves.
Feel the life, feel the soul,
haven't advanteges in the own home.
Fade away from somebody's road
cut the life prologue off,
see the machines dead,
see when sun goes down.................
Feel the danger,...............................inside the crowd..............
and become someone..............

I don't know who paint this pictures but I like them. When I was little girl I was dreaming about life of the painter. I thought that my dreams come true - but I've mistaken. My dreams didn't make anything but left me when I was broken - hearted.

 Now I'm trying to write my own book. This way isn't too new for me because in the past I've already tried to make a book, but only one was really succesful and now I'm trying to make a full book - by now I was searching the inspiration and I did it.
Why I'd left that, other, book? Inside her Isaw a plagiat and it makes me angry. That's all story.
But even now I'm perfectly know that I've already left something - a thing that cuold help me with everything.
I guess it's my faith. Of course I'm going to church, praying every evening.......but this is is a faith in the miracles and realistic of the miracles and dreams.
It's the single thing I've lst in the past and now I can't return it..................

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